Earning exp when questions are answered

i want to know how to make it be that when you answer a question u earn exp

if you put a kit with a questioneer and make that kits questions all correct then it will not give you xp
anything else should work as long as you don’t answer too fast

i do not get it if i put a kit with answers and all of them are not correct how do I make them earin exp

I mean you have to have 3, 2, or 1 of the answers correct or else gimkit will not give you xp

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oh so gimkit automaticly will give me exp

when you answer the question right

but you cant earn xp right now because we are in the summer

reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllly so I should just not play gimkit?

you can and should play gimkit for fun and not to grind out skins

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even ifn i do a mode they created

yup no xp for the summer no matter what you do

why is that klike it

Since school is over, teachers don’t use gimkit and that is its main purpose. They disable xp because they don’t want kids grinding gimkit over the summer.


you can’t do that anymore

you have to wait until august

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kay thanks for help the solution is marked as greenbean7 but you helped as well fersionspeedy


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