Dungeon Labyrinth Size

I’m making a fun dungeon labyrinth, but I’m not sure how big I should make it… Each “tile” or room rather is a 13 X 13 box (for now anyway). I want it to be a good size, and it would be great if y’all could help. Also if you could give suggestions for room size too that would be great as well!


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Plop in random props on the floor.
Makes it look like it was explored before.

In Gim Dungeon: Encrypted, the guy use portals so players will randomly be sent to a room. Maybe you can use that.

That’s actually what I was planning on doing! So one team (hiders) run around and collect scrap (random props) to sell for cash they can use to buy upgrades, while a player on another team (seeker) hunts them down.

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Makes me think of backrooms. LOL ► don’t know why?! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Thanks for the suggestion, but it doesn’t quite go with what I wanted

Like Lethal Company!

Can I steal the idea of a dungeon thats a maze?

I know, it was just a thought.

Yeah just lethal company with control mod

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The mythological labyrinth is a maze that infinitely changes and goes on. One tale is where a king had his pet mantacore, half-man, half-bull.

Go ahead, just please give idea credit to me!

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Actually, there’s a lot of labyrinth maps, but he did ask. Still wanted to say.

I know, just for the dungeon maze part

Oh! Maybe you can add an abandoned civilization! This is top-down right?

Yeah, platformer would be weird

Just for @Dodecahedron. padlet.com/28adubois/the-lorematsers-rkdhhr4tpo6ee0bj. Pls don’t share!

What is that? I clicked on it but I’m confused

It’s called Padlet. You may need to sign up to use.

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