Dropping items when tagged

For my gimkit map, I want someone to get tagged, and then when they are tagged, they drop energy for someone to pick up. How would I do this?

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Player tagged by someone else - Grant Item?

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Would you use a knockout manager or a lifecycle?

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I don’t think the Lifecycle or Knockout Manager can detect tags, only KNOCKOUTS.
(I’m not sure though, feel free to correct me)

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Oh. Would you use a tag zone then?

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Whoops, nevermind there is a channel option for “when player tags another player” but idk how to make them drop an item, they could just transmit on channel to an item granter

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Do you want the player who was tagged to lose energy too? @Grey_Stone
Either way, use a tag zone, then wire it to an item granter.
Player tags someone > Grant item
You could do the same but negative for the person who was tagged as well:
Player gets tagged by someone else > Grant item
(These are both linked from the tag zone to the item granter.)
Hope this helps!
(Sorry for the ping potato1 twice :frowning: :frowning:)


I am trying to make it so that when someone is tagged, they drop an item for anyone in the game to pick up.

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look in an amongus guide for body reporting. there’s some way they make the player drop items when they die. note that a tag is not a ko, so do not use a ko manager.

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Thank you for all your help!

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