Don't reply ID:45618

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It’s because of all the sentries. It’s not a bug.


This is unnecessary. Memory has a limit, and is intended to, and not a glitch. Also this is not art so please remove the art tag and mark a solution.

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what was the point of making this? memory has a limit for a reason, this is not a bug.

@Theaxolotl you’re leaving? : (

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Look at all the teleporters!!!

Off-topic: Why would @Theaxolotl be leaving?

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Look at his bio. It says:

until I get banned from a ban request of myself until Oct 20.

I know it is my time to leave…

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This isn’t a bug, it’s normal


But why would he ban himself? He doesn’t give a reason.


He’s an OG like me. Except, unlike me, he was here for the entire history of the forum. He’s witnessed the entire decay of the forum, and it’s probably too much for him.


We should flag this and ignore it…


or maybe the poster should just mark a solution now (also @Gimkit101, he’s not an og, as he joined in november, and he didn’t witness everything)


Oops. OG Veteran, then.

Agreed! Don’t respond anymore, anyone! :sunglasses:

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bluds acting like he saw the b0mbs drop :skull:

But we need to get back on topic


oops didn’t see that…


There’s no more on-topic for a Bugs post, so let’s just let this close.


congrats, you now have a low quality sentry army
sorry I wont comment again on this
maybe put don’t reply in title
txme, gimsolver banned me

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  1. You have too many sentries, maybe delete some.
  2. It seems unnecessary.
  3. Heya, welcome back Trasch! Saw you were banned for a bit.

(edit: just saw title…)

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You do realize that OG means original gamer, right? Is the forum a game?

Also, if you want to repair a rotting decay, add more wood. AKA, get more people. Also, get more advertising.

OG also means original. Also don’t reply

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its called a figure of speech

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