Don't Look Up (Thumbnail)

I made a better version of it with shading and typography

@StacheIsTaken what are your thoughts on it?


that looks amazing! one of the best thumbnails ive ever seen, great job!

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I need ideas for my last summit, like what should happen?
For example, one of my other ones was disappearing platforms that kill- I mean KO you.

Um, sure, but it’s not done yet.

Mine’s not published, so no

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Wait… are you the creator of the Don’t look up map?!

…the one with 7 summits?

Screenshot 2024-03-25 5.37.25 PM
Anything you want me to add?

I think you have the contrast bit too high…

Not just the contrast… Everything

Configured my thumbnail a bit and this was the result

Like the others did I can try and make it bright in some areas and lightly blur others


  1. that one is crazy lol, btw the reason I only have two terrain types is cause I cant find a good reference to use since I don’t have the st so sorry! (I could fix it if someone gives me a picture ↩︎

Well heres something i made i can add things to it if you want to.

I can’t vote, but the one with mustache facing up and the chomps eyes

bro this is the first time i genuinely had to think hard about this
that is how good all the artists are

Noice. I think I recognize your thumbnail style somewhere but I don’t remember who :thinking:

i made it on canva (extra characters)

Yea, I was wondering how you made it. [1]

  1. I had looked everywhere, but didn’t think Canva was the answer… ↩︎

Mine’s not published, so no

Well, looks like I’ve come to the wrong place… There’s already a don’t look up map, and it’s actually decent, but I have found a very powerful exploit in it…

it probably was that one.
the map is finished

@here, I need a name for my game, since “Don’t Look Up” is already used, any ideas?

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