Does this work for you? (Barriers that only block players, Barrier Glitch?)

@Thats_Gimpossible are we missing something? Are you sure we’re not forgetting something? Could you take a look at the pictures Gimkiter28 posted and make sure we’re not missing something?

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Yeah, just tested it with multiple players and the results are the same…

maybe it was because of a gimkit coding change about like how barriers work, idk to be honest. I remember using the guide a long time ago and it worked fine… what even changed… because like two days ago, it magically stopped working…

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I looked at the change logs and I don’t think either of the two recent updates would have changed anything. And nothing in my brain tells me why this won’t work (then again I have no idea why this is supposed to work in the first place).

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I agree, I have really no clue how it works.

It only works with sentries for me now. I’m going to check some other games that use this, they might be broken. like there are a lot of dodgeball games.


Only sentries… oh.
and yes, a lot of dodgeball games do use this I think… (cough) (cough)

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Games on Discovery say that their border is not working anymore. I think this is a new glitch. I would move this to Bugs

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I see, Should this be made a Bugs topic?
I was about to say…
@Here_to_help , what should I rename this topic too?

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I been trying… sigh nothing :(

Cough cough dodgeball lol :D
Theres this guy who made a really cool dodgeball game… :thinking:


Seems cool. I wonder who made it… (cough)…
I should check it out sometime.

Ooop, the map is broken due to this glitch. The creator must be devasted… :thinking:

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the only thing you can do now is add a laser tripwire and use teleporters.


True, and I also saw a viable method using zones, but I’ll have to look into it.
@Thats_Gimpossible , I mean zones to detect a barrier for the players. Like if a player gets close enough to the line, the zone will detect it and activate the barrier to prevent the person from crossing the wall.


just use teleporters only.

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Bumptiy Bump

Yes because sentries still have the ability to manipulate channels unlike players


Because of this I believe the barrier trick only works with sentries because the barrier is limited to players. The sentry is not viewed as a player; therefore its projectile is not limited like ours is.

I believe that is why it does not work for players

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I know I’m a bit late.

Did you disable the barrier globally or by player? That might be the issue.

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I had a game that does that and now it doesn’t work as well :frowning:


I honestly have no idea why this wouldn’t work anymore. I am sad.

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I think this doesn’t work because of an update Gimkit did. I think what was going on was originally a glitch and not supposed to happen (like sentry interactions), and Gimkit made it how it was supposed to be.

Of course I’m not certain, but since everybody has experienced it since one date, I think that’s the most likely scenario. But don’t quote me on that.

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I completely agree with you, as it used to work a few months prior. I thought that it was some change in the Gimkit code that stopped this from working, since it may have been a glitch (like you said).

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well, i tried the og guide, and that didnt work either, so ig gkc patched it.
(sad, it was so useful!)

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I can’t quite remember, but I followed the guide pretty much exactly.