Radioactive areas with snowy grass does fit. If before the radioactive “event” there was a nuclear plant explosion, or a meteor strike, then it does fit. Usually, radioactive events are associated with ashes and burning.
I replaced it with dry grass already.
Wait, I can mix it! Imma mix the snowy grass and the dry grass
Do a small area first, and then show us a screenshot so we can look and give advice.
i might be able to make you a reference build
you could just do moss
I don’t think there is moss as a terrain
there isnt
the moss prop, ok guy’s?
Sure, I can do that.
I think the grass looks great! but you should never ask me for looks advice. #tomboy
you could do green bricks instead
How realistic do you want your map to be? If you’re going for a more fictional view, that looks great! If you want it to look realistic, try adding patches of snowy grass in spots, dead trees, trash, etc.
what game are you trying to make?
a battle royale game. I wanted to make a secret radiation area where the best loot is.
btw the area is north of spawn. They would not know that because the back wall enclosing spawn is actually a floor and when you walk past it there is a wall that leads there. They will assume there’s nothing north of spawn.
I mixed those 2 grasses exept there’s more dry. I kinda also want it to loook a bit like those radioactive areas in those Tiktok videos by 2swag