Does anyone know how to make it so at the start of the game, it will show you all the players on your team in a simple notification?

Don’t forget to mark a solution if something works, @Gimkiter28!

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Alright, so I did the block code and all and it kind of worked.

What happened:
I had 3 tabs to test it out
So when I was on team 1, only have the time did i receive the notification. (It was probably because of the random player thing, giving me a 50% chance. Also because Team 1 would always have 2 players because of my three tabs (2/1) and the map’s settings, (split into size).)
but when I switch to the team 2 tab, I got like about 100 notifications saying I was on Team 2

Also, the content didn’t show all the players on the team.

I probably did something wrong or something along the lines of that.

also, am I supposed to have the item granter grant an actual item?

What are your wires and blockcode, more specifically the Checker wires/settings?

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Screenshot 2023-12-11 185852
Screenshot 2023-12-11 185907

I’m not sure if I sent all the pictures @Haiasi

Are the blockcode two seperate pictures or are they in the same block?

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The block code are two separate pictures and in two separate notification devices for each team.

Wait, since you said in your previous post that you kept getting spammed by notifications, does the checker not work?
Can you try joining with more players?

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Ok, so I have fixed the spamming (it was because one of the wires). The only problems are the notification showing all the players on a team and the notification sending to all the players on a team.

What do you mean by that?

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So… The notifications for each team only sends to a random player on that team.
example: Team 1: Bot 1 and Bot 2
Bot 1 gets the notification but not Bot 2. (The chances are random)
Same thing for Team 2

Secondly, for that one player on each team who gets the notification, it only displays that person’s name and not the entire team.
Example: If Bot 1 gets the notification, it would say: Title: You are on Team 1! Content: Bot 1 @Haiasi

What if you wire the Checker to a Relay (All Players On Specific Team) and the Relay to a Notification?

(Checker) Check Fails —> (Relay) Trigger Relay

(Relay) Relay Trigger —> (Notification) Run Wire Pulse Block

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Okay, check out my waypoint guide (the one that puts a waypoint on everyone). We’re doing something like that. The setup should be lifecycle → relay (random) → checker → checker → trigger. When triggered, it should reactivate the relay. The lifecycle → relay (random) is to have the mechanism start on game start. The first checker checks if the player has an item. If so, stop and rerun the relay. If not, go to the second checker. The second checker should check if the property #ofTeamPlayers is less than the number of people on your team. If true, trigger the trigger, which then adds “Triggering players name ,_” to a property, grants the player the item, and reruns the relay. If the second checker returns false, then add “and triggering players name.” instead. Also, add a lifecycle → notification, that transmits to all players on the team the property that the whole sentence is stored in. @Haiasi, could you please provide pictures? Please tell me if I missed anything!

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My mind just imploded when I read this. Let me see if I can incorporate this to work.


Sorry, I’m not the best at teaching things. It’s supposed to add a random players name, along with proper punctuation, to a property, while removing that player from the available pool to pull from, until every players name is added and the notification runs, displaying everyone’s name on your team.

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Ooooooh, makes sense, ok I will try this tomorrow fully. Thanks. I’ll reply here and tell you how it goes!

I forgot to say something, you need an item granter!

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