So right now I need ideas for my game SmackDown, my game is like Super Smash Bros Ultimate, but where you play as different gimkit characters including Doge, The Broker, and other characters, each character has different rarities, costs, and abilities, for example, The Broker’s ability is he can place down fake money around the map, which then if the opposing player grabs it, they take damage, to make it less suspicious, money spawns around the map randomly (I want money to spawn randomly every 3 to 19 seconds) Also where the players have to chose what map they go, and where they can choose how much players they face, and I want the players to buy some characters they want (players start with 5 free characters) When players get cash, they then can purchase new characters, if this doesn’t make sense then, please ask me questions
dodge could do have an ability that they can run fast (also you cant have the name in the topic unless its an thumbnail request)
Huh, I didn’t know… I actually had an idea where Dodge can probably teleport around the map kinda like he can sneak anywhere he wants
i also had that idea (how did we think of the same thing XD)
I don’t know, but I’m going to need help with the mechanics of my game… (it’s going to take forever)
maybe turn it into fragite (or what ever its called)
A frag’cha what it? What’s that?
fragile it lets you have the mode from knockback
do you know how you are gonna make the RNG money system? if not I have a few ideas…
No I don’t, I was going to look for a post to help with it, but if you know how to RNG system then you can tell me @recalledMemories
Oops sorry I was out touching grass snow.
Anyway what you can do is get a lifecycle and change the settings like so:
Next grab a trigger and make sure that visible in game and trigger by player collision is set to off. Then add these settings:
So what this does is triggers a trigger at the start of a game, and then every second it will loop and make this trigger trigger again.
Now add some blockcode:
If “Time Till Money” is less then or equal to 0 then it will 1st broadcast on either money1, money 2, or money3 (so that way the money that appears is different every time) and then it sets "Time till Money to a random number 3-19. If Time Till Money is greater then it will decrease time till money by 1. This creates a loop that varies in length everytime.
now add 3 buttons with the various settings:
Now you’ll grab a item Granter and do this:
Perfect! Now your system should look like this. I hope you love the quality.