Does anyone have ideas for a spooky dnd crawler? fast plz

ill show u what i made so far

Then its 1 way out theam

then boss

now i need ideas for this

i need ideas for the next theam

Uhhhhh how is this still going on for 5 days short of a month if this was supposed to be a “quick” help, lol…umm maybe have witches controlling gims and when you knock them out they are no longer under spell? and you want to free them all to help you take down the boss?

oh good idea!

adding on, maybe a back barrier over the map with 0.5 alpha?

a fog effect

but i need theam ideas

maybye but again i need an idea for the last part

yeah sry my mind is blank

i was thinking about a pirate theam

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hmm…maybe there is a spooky old pirate base, and you must explore and fix up a pirate ship, but then in the end, the pirates come out, lock you and your crewmates (sentries with appearances) in the brig, but when you escape a witch on board makes the ship turn into a huge pathway where you must battle to make it to the other brig where you free your crewmates (sentries around the ship activate with better stats than the pirates) and you must defeat all the pirates, then defeat your crew members when they get mind-controlled by a witch, then take out the witch to free the pirates and your crewmates from the spells…and the witch can shoot lasers randomly and has a gadget…but multiple witches piled up so have to kill witch multiple times while its shooting with multiple gadgets since they are multiple sentries stacked.

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WOW nice idea!

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