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So I tried to make a block where If You Reach 10 knockouts you get a legendary blaster and if you get knocked out you loose your blaster also credits to @Coolcaden26 for the killstreak guide

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what is the problem? What went wrong?

Lifecycle (Player Knocks Out) → Counter Increment
Counter Reaches Target Value (10) → Grant item (Item Granter)(Legendary Blaster)


If you have time could you show me a picture


don’t forget

if player knocked out reset counter

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Edit: I mean if they get knocked out will they loose the Legendary (Blaster)


The code won’t work btw.
If you want the person to lose progress when knocked out:
Add another lifecycle.

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if you want it temporary

if player knocked out go to an item granter and wire it to the life cycle.

Do -1 legendary blasters.

permanent- do nothing

THANKS! I will mark a solution again thanks for your guys help.

whats is the point in typing and sending a blank message?

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Don’t do that, plus look at the title.

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mb I was trying to see if it would type it or not not trying to reset the timer I’ll stop typing after this


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