Diff text blocks not working

Continuing the discussion from Button description different for different teams:

@Kosm0-o somethings not working suddenly. btw I have to gtg at 11:11 on the dot and won’t be back until around 12:35

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You have to set the text’s content scope to team.

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Exactly. Dang it. You beat me to it.

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Please don’t spam them one notifaction is enough.


Does it do a notification for each one?

No i will just say you were notified by a user 3 times on this post. But you can have the settings changed to were it will do that for each ping.


Yeah, please don’t spam anyone…

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Sorry that is my bad


don’t really know if this is on topic or not but… is it a coincidence that all my gimkit creative errors today is because of the items scope

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Yeah, I mean a lot of people have made that mistake, it’s easy to overlook (Even though it is very important) and also some guides don’t mention it or you don’t see it.

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