Desert Bus Thumbnail Request

The thumbnail should be a gimkity rendition of this image:
which is a screen from the old game Desert Bus. other details about the game that may be included in the thumbnail if you wish: the idea of both the original and this is a gag game (mine less of a gag more of a challenge) . the idea is you experience life through a as the title suggests driver of a desert bus.
there is barely any entertainment, and nothing to do other than some repetitive inputs. there are cactuses/bushes/plants every so often, but nothing other than that.
I would like the Your Driver IS Jocko tag to be either removed, or changed from joko to Adam, or it could be changed to Gim.

You might know this game from the charity Desert Bus For Hope.


Wow forums are so active rn cause america is probs awake, im in australia its like 12 at night

I might be able to to this it’ll probably be bad though, i’m not the best at art… :sob:

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lol well whatever you are divide it by 10 and you have the alternate dimension version of me that is van gogh compared to current universe me

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are there any gims you want in it or just that picture?

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I mean, if it fits the theme, but the theme is really lonely and boring so probs not lol

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it’ll take me a hot minute to finish it, but i think it will turn out fine

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lol this is my first ever actual game, i have a couple other projects in the works that are way out of my league but ill eventually get to them lol. Sneak peek JAX exclusive: a 2d game engine made using codeblocks that displays on an emoji pixel screen

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no probs, take your time and make it nice lol

oh wow just got a codespammer in my game
first time

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Hello there, i will also try to make it (i never seen this game before :frowning:)
I will try my best, it wont look perfect though

Thank you! lol not many people have heard of this game, its very old and quite obscure, but i find the concept hilarious for some reason.

Btw i dont mind how long you take, just wanted to know whether i should continiue to not sleep or actually go to sleep because it is 1 am in australia, how long do you think you would take?

im not familiar with drawing so i have no clue how long these things take.

Goodnight, in australia its like 2 in the morning so i better get to sleep. see you in a couple hours!

Its not perfect like i said, but i think it looks good


okay so… i finished. its not the best, but it took me two retries and all day to finish


okay so, i didn’t know what you wanted as the name of the game and i forgot to add my tag somewhere so here’s the updated one–


Thank you so much! this looks great, it was hard to make a decision between this and Ian’s art but i chose this. If you want to try the map, just search up Desert Bus on creative, and you will see your art. its pretty easy to tell which one is yours, because every other map called Desert Bus doesnt have art lol!

Kinda sad that i didnt get pick
But kinda happy he got pick
Im sad happy

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Yeah, It was a hard choice because you both had what i asked for, but your sand was closer to the right colour, but theirs was more detailed lol, still tho you are really good at drawing