(Deleted guide; Posted too early)

Posted this guide too early

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Accidentally posted this lol.

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You should have some time to edit this, still. Try to finish it soon


Amazing guide! I’ll try this! I’m glad you posted this!

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Yeah this is a WIP, you can hurry up and finish it, you have 7 days to do so.

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This has been a draft for a while, because while making this guide, I hit a massive roadblock that I’m still working on fixing, so someone might just want to delete this or something. But before someone does delete it, I’m going to try and copy it so my little bit of progress will be saved.

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Trust Level 2 members actually have an entire month to edit, so you should be fine.

False, TL2 members can edit for quite a long time.


What is it, now, it was tl1-24hours, tl2-7days, tl3-1month, tl4-infinite.


TL0: 1 day
TL1: 1 day
TL2: 1 month
TL3: 1 month
TL4: Indefinite

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Must have been updated in the last 2 months.

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