Decorations for Bed

What decorations should I add to my bed? It’s kind of plain…


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Um, anything more complexed than a laptop?

do you need ideas for what to add on the bed?

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Something to add on the bed, around the bed, something like that.

some books, maybe a tipped-over water bottle?

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Okay, sure. Anything more cool and stuff? I want the game to be like cool and interesting to continue to play.

You can add a dresser next to the bed, with a custom lamp on it. ( Use barriers :slight_smile: ) You can also add a coffee mug on the dresser and give it the I just woke up and had my coffee vibess… you can also make a carpet on the floor. You can add codex on the bed, and papers on the floor. You can also add an inkpot! :slight_smile: need any more ideas?

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OOH! The book could have a diary of a dead past player, like in snowy survival!


WOWWWW @leo_flowers ! I’d like just a littttle more ideas. Thanks!

This sounds sooo cool too @Green_Fox98 ! I’ll write that for a story.

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What is the game mainly about? any themes?

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Just like an adventure thing, @Green_Fox98 .

hmm mkay… you can add a bookshelf near the bed, and add some papers on the floor there too… you can add a stuffed animal :teddy_bear: on the bed, in a text and rotate it. You can ( If wanted ) maybe a ribbon: :ribbon: in the front of the bed if it was a girl that slept there, and an :star2: if it was a boy. Any more?

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a small gumball machine on a bedside table?


You. Are. Completely. Full. Of. Ideas. Wow.


I have many more. :smiley_cat:

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These are great! Thanks! I wouldn’t know how to mark a solution!

MORE??!! Am I badgering you if I ask for more?

YOU ARE LITERALLY A BIG JELLY BEAN JAR OF IDEAS! (that’s a compliment, because jelly beans rule.)