Debate about Unnecessary Tags

There’s not really an easy way to tell if a guide is a wiki other than that


What else needs to be done?


We should probably remove game-design and game-mechanics. Applies to too much posts. We can talk more tomorrow, when we get more community input


I agree with that, they both are basically normal guides.


Going offline, but not gonna mark a solution so you guys can sort this out


I’m going to remove the guides under this tag.


The rating system would have worked really well in the beginning, but as the community evolves, the bar for each requirement goes higher and higher. Like according to the strict requirements, there could be a couple green guides to be bumped up to easy.

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Sure, you can remove it, because it was made before solutions existed and is therefore outdated now.

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I propose we keep blue just because new people are using it too much, but get rid of everything else. Also, pi color hehe

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I propose we also keep black, because it’s only on the hardest guides of their era.

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What do you think about turning PSAs into informational ?

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Opinions on turning beginner-must-read into a simple guide with all the info?

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No. I always think my posts are WAY easier than they actually are.

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Yes! We need to put to search for community made guides at the top.

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This can be corrected in the comments. Difficulty polls can sometimes be longer than the guides. You could just pick a difficulty, and let others refine that to be more accurate in the comments.


It’s never gonna happen, people are too lazy.
If this was stack overflow, like half the questions would be closed for being duplicates.

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But I’ll write up something and send it here for feedback.

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Yeah that’s right.

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I just got back online, what did I cause, I just wanted to help some people

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