Damaging Players Based On Properties

short guide, and no caps this time

material list

1x property
1x damager

first, make a property, the one you want to equal the damage.


property type: number

default value: whatever you want

scope: player

when property value changes: damage.taken or knockout.acheived or whatever

make a block from your randomizer when receiving on damage.taken

inside the block menu, make something like this:

damage player custom amount
amount: get property: damage or knockouts or whatever

now your damage can be changed depending on a property,
which is useful for more damage based on:

-amount of knockouts

-amount of money [property]

-pseudo health :heavy_division_sign: 2

doing so just means you change the name of the property
and use blocks to increase from outside the system via trigger or counter


this system allows to manage damage amount based on a property, like half pseudo health or whatever you want. it makes you look like an expert damager.

instead of flagging me outright,
if i did something wrong, tell me what it is so I can fix it
if this is completely bad, just wait till it’s moved to devices
or taken away altogether

constructive criticism welcome


cool, so basically you can make a custom damager? like, if you want to take 99 damage (for some reason), you can set the property to 99 and take the damage?

This has been used in some guides before…
but i don’t think anything’s wrong with it!
Simple and useful guide!

I just bumped into this guide

KOSM BACK??? Nahhhhh impossible.
@Kosm0-o you got regular by the way ;-;

He isn’t going to be on 99 percent of the time also let’s get back on topic

He already knew XD


Sorry lol, it’s just that you don’t see a wild kosm0-o active often.


Nice guide by the way


hmmm, I think an image of the block code can be useful to new gimkitters.
Overall this is really helpful! good job.


would this help me (Is auto aiming or any similar alternative feasible in the current state of GKC - #14 by RisingTenno)



Ouch…that hurt.

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