Custom sentry skins help

Is there anyway to make cuztomizable skins for sentries? Like, rather than just the ones on the options rather than Raveena, Bonesy, Captain Buck, etc But can I use other like Toasty, Celeste, or Pumpkin Pie?

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I don’t think its possible you can add props on top of them to look different but you cant use Gimkit skins accept for the ones available


I have questioned that too, and I don’t know. I do know that many creators use barriers, props and sometimes text to customize their sentries. If you want to know how to do that, I can help you! :slight_smile:


Yes please! Thank you :333

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Do you want me to use pictures?

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Yes please :333333333

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But how did they have this?
Its real when I play it on discovery. not the hat though

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someone is standing in front of the sentry it says there name below it

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unless it is text I don’t know

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it is a text, and the sentry itself looks like its painted, do you might know a way that how they did that?

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also, Welcome To The Forums @SlimeAttack55 :3

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Thank you! The tutorial will be done in a couple of minutes. I was eating breakfast. Sorry!

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hmm I’ll look at it give me a second


Oki dokey! Is it morning at your place?

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what game are you playing where you saw that?


Fishtopia Deep D i v e [Fixed] thats the game

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I’ve played that and I think they used the barrier method.

woah ok, do you know how they did it?

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I think so. I’m working on a tutorial right now.

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There’s also a glitch (I think) if you use shdwy’s Tick Suppressor guide to activate a sentry, the skin won’t load and it’ll use one of the default-color gim skins.
(I saw this in Fishtopia Deep Dive)
