Custom images with pixel-art in Gimkit Creative! [🟩]

uh ok

good point
we’re just giddy that this topic is open again :]

yeah lets stop

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yay zepheir smile alr im out bye


its zypheir waah


it’s fine he’ll be back someday. :]
off I go

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Regulars, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this an art post?

also does that mean the banana post is an art post too :eyes:

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oh right, this is an art post

as for the banana guide, read the replies to this post. people might say the same for this guide, but we’ll see ig

Made my own but on an app named brush ninja here’s what I made:


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@Blackhole927 :+1:

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Thx for the guide I used to use terrain for this but basically got nowhere thanks!
Also this might be the most viewed guide ever (10.0 k views)

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We’re keeping this one in community guides.


Using an animation guide combined with this pixel art guide, we can make, you guessed it, animated pixel art! Now this will be vary challenging, as for all the properties, texts, and blocks needed to do this, but this is possible, taking animation to the next level

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Its actually been done way b4 this guide was made i think lxmas made it and posted it on the wix idk if he published it or not the movements were very weird but it was still impressive back then when we had less devices

alright, i’m sorta new to the forums, and never saw the post, i will check it out though
also, i wish i can like your bio

On the wix not on the forums lol

then, i might not see it, since i’m mostly on the forums and a little on the discord

Also thats a first anyone ever liked my bio i havent changed it since last school year so thanks anyways im not trying to get flagged by the flag warriors again i mean idc about getting regular my main point here is to help peeps

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I’m glad to see this topic being revived :ghost:
(hold up lemme see if I can find some pixel art i’ve done)

this is what I found in my files 0-0
probs going to put it in gkc soon


Wow. The most liked topic with 167 likes!

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He left. This is kinda off-topic.


Here’s one I made a while back! (it took forever)