Custom Fall Mesages

How to make custom Fall messages like in Mt. Snowy?

you can put a ko manager and when the player gets koed you can put a popup and so when they respawn it will show the custom ko message

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Can you show the exact blocks please?

sure give me a min

first make a ko manager and pop up
then connect and make it like this

then when a player falls the pop up will show and you can make whatever style or text you want.

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How do I make it say the player’s name

Place down a lifecycle and wire it to a trigger. Set the lifecycle to track when a player is knocked out. Create block code for the trigger. Next, create a new variable named “Rand”. Then, create block code that looks like this:

set rand to Random integer from [1] to [thenumberofde<e>athmessagesyouwant]
If rand = 1 then do
create activity feed for everyone create text [triggering player's name]
                                              "insert de<e>ath message here"
If rand = 2 then do
create activity feed for everyone create text [triggering player's name]
                                              "insert dea<e>th message here"

Do this until you've finished with all your dea<e>th messages.

thats… a different thing to do and i’m not skilled enough for that. sorry

but it does use blocks

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