Creator Only Perks

And it is case sensitive

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place a trigger on the spawn point with visibility off

(in block code)
set (variable) to (triggering player’s name)
if (variable) = (ur username)
then broadcast on channel (channel)

use the channel to give yourself speedboost, damage boost, an item, etc.

does that work?

there is one problem: impersonation.

The problem of impersonation is not a issue if you keep the name a secret

Screenshot 2024-03-13 8.49.03 AM
Screenshot 2024-03-13 8.49.10 AM
Screenshot 2024-03-13 8.49.21 AM


Can you explain the question a little more, @FunkyGoat101?

you can but it wall still be possibe for others to access. So if you make a hidden place with a hidden button some where on the map that opens that room, yes but any player can still find that button and go into the room. Creators don’t count and a special person, only host and players.

lol, i came up with the same solution