Creating map ideas can be good and bad- here’s why

——this is a guide about ideas and explains how to get said ideas on your own——

:warning: —**Remember i only make these types of guides to help people who struggle,

and need help. I don’t post these to be harsh or try to bring people down from their

mistakes so please don’t take any of this personally!!**—— :warning:

Common things i tend to see is when people need ideas for their own map, they

tend to look at other peoples map’s and become inspired from it.

(I bolded that for a reason more on that later.)

As much as that is ok to be inspired by other peoples maps, and you go off of their map.

It can also be a bad thing or it can lead to your struggling more to come up with an idea.

So i will explain the ups and downs, good and bad, how to fix it, and how to get a more creative mind.

—The Up’s—

When it comes to being inspired by others maps, ideas, code, etc. You tend to take

those things and plug it into your map. Once you plugged those things into your

map you would go off from those inspired ideas. Then you add more and more

until you’re done and publish it. The map becomes good and you wanna make

another one. This is what i like to call influenced being influenced by the idea of

looking for other maps, using the ideas and plugging it into your map, is great.

That’s how you become influenced by that idea. To where you don’t even need to

ask people or look anything up since you’re so influenced by this spark in your brain

that tells you about these influenced ideas*. This spark that comes to mind is

good for you in many ways. Like when you don’t know what to do for your next map

if you can get this spark you can easily get an idea to make a game.

—While that may be a good thing to keep that spark of influence and ideas rushed

into your head it can also be a bad thing. Here’s why:—

The downs

While being able to have this spark even time you wanna create and or build your game. This spark can be a bad thing for your games. Since you get this spark on just the influenced ideas this spark. Can be toxic for your brain. Thats because of something i like to call muscle memory.

muscle memory

Muscle memory is a type of memory you build from things often. Practicing,

reading, studying, etc. This mechanism your brain builds is great for your everyday

life. But it can also be bad for trying to be creative. While you build this memory

from getting these ideas, your builds up the steps and how to do it. And you can

keep milking/imputing the same ideas into your games over and over until you can’t no more.

Which is a bad thing. This can lead to your pattern being seen by the

players, and the community not wanting to play the say game over and over. Which

this would be bad muscle memory. Having your brain only remember those

ideas can be toxic and bad for your creative eye, games, you, etc. thats why you

want to expand your ideas, and eye more by trying new things.

—Another down side is being called, or accused of being a copy cat. Where

people would accuse you of stealing or be unoriginal for map making. You would

probably use for your rebuttal, is “well i was influenced/inspired by other maps to

use the code for my game. no harm no foul.” But there is harm and there is a

foul in play. That would be called a negative impact. A negative impact would

be from you and your actions and your brain. The harm would be your actions. The

foul would be from your said influence. Your actions are harmful to the other

players or creators who put their hard work in their ideas to make a good game,

just from someone to take that said idea, and try to make theirs but “better”.

And that’s where the foul plays in. The foul is you taking their idea to reclaim it as

yours and try to remove them from the picture. But you can fix that.

how to fix/build your creative mind.

A good way to start is to ask for help. Ask people to suggest ideas. But don’t use

the idea they suggest to you. Instead expand that idea and make it unique. Turn the

idea from basic to your type of cool. That where it could be hard for you. Trying to

expand your creative mind. Since you don’t know how to expand the idea. Try using

it but adding silly things upgrades, or even removing parts and adding new ones.

Even try testing out your own ideas and mix it with the suggestion.


Not finished with topic i posted it on accident

Ask a mod like @Pharlain or @Blackhole927 to delete it. Copy the text first.


It’s ok i can just edit the post while its still up i guess

@Slim thanks for fixing the title! I am still new so its kinda hard for trying to make the title sound right.

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wait…map ideas.bad?
The Ultimate Ideas List By Legobuilder
um…that was made by ANOTHER legobuilder…hehe…:dash:’s away…
looks good so far keep it up!

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It’s alright! lol I didn’t mean to come off as hostile in that post if I did, sometimes I do that

All good though, no hard feelings!


dont ping the mods if you dont need help with anything please, thank you!

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