Crafting table pls help me

how do I grow corn with the crafting table farming plot

Make a crafting recipe for corn with your choice of ingredients, make it in group “corn.” Then, make the crafting table only craft group “corn.” And make the appearance farming plot. And this would be in Help.

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il try it thank you…


what do I pls help me

add a crafting recipe device. Make the crafting recipe corn, and all your costs. Make it’s crafting group corn too.

it worked thank you…


No problem! Hope you have no more roadblocks and can farm comfortably.

Also, your map looks pretty cool! (Mark solution, I recommend catsune, he started it.)

Did mine not work for you?

Maybe by crafting recipe for corn he thought crafting table.

But I think he needed more clarifying. He was confused I think. (On where to go to next)

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