Court: Trigger VS. Checker (And an explanation on what a Trigger Check is)

you could use a trigger to check if a property equaled another property, unable to be done by a checker, sure you can make a checker loop itself, but you can NEVER stop that loop because its inability to deactivate. triggers can check something even if it needs to change, this is good for randomly generated passcodes for a door. you wouldn’t need to use a trigger ONLY for checking text, you can use it for other things as well.

didnt shdwy make a guide on this? or someone else did?

No, this isn’t a trigger loop. It’s a trigger replacing a checker, not a trigger replacing a repeater.
this is an original guide. its inspired by shdwy’s guide by how its written, but its about a different topic.


The only thing different is that Shdwy did Trigger vs Repeater (Trigger Won), and Fleet made Trigger vs Checker (Trigger Won). GGS Trigger, you can replace 2 devices already!

Oh no

I’ve been attacked by a flag warrior… 6 times…
I hope I don’t lose reg


If this is a guide, then I would probably change it to Community Made Guides so this isn’t simply ignored like how most Devices tagged posts do

(My personal preference, you do what you wanna do :smile: )

I think this should stay in Devices, and add the psa tag, because Shdwy’s topic had both…
Tell me if I’m wrong
Oops, does this fit what wingwave said?


oh, i dunno, I’m not on as often as I used to before my-15-day-break-that-was-supposed-to-be-a-few-months-long

I think it should stay Devices because this isn’t really a guides, more like a psa

I dumdum then, welp, off I go to somewhere else!

We need memory factors here…

I guess because I’m bored I’ll make a poll on what this system should be called

  • Trigger Check
  • Tchecker
0 voters

Wait you forgot the right answer:
Trigger Checker

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Tchecker is short for Trigger Checker.

I feel like these two devices can’t be similar enough to make one be called better… Well not “similar” but like, they have different uses, pros, and cons, that end up evening each other out.

Also, i can already see this topic going downhill.

edit: @Fleet look at the title ._.

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I never said the trigger is better than checker, I said a trigger can be more useful in complex systems.
edit: the title was changed by someone else not me @Kosm0-o

Flashbacks from @Shdwy’s post :smirk:


That section was entirely a reference to that lol

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You can stop the loop because the check is able to fail, and you can also compare properties without blocks (albeit without checkers).


You can send brodcasts on multiple channels for one check with a trigger, you also can check if 2 things are true with one check with a trigger, again this isn’t about other devices, this is about triggers and checkers, discussing when a trigger should be used instead of a checker, if it was for only one use, this thing wouldn’t have been made.

GIMKIT BUSTERS dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun
who you gonna call?


but anyways for the above quote, ima prove you wrong based on what you were implying[1]. Using a checker, you can create up to 5 checks. When you create more than a single check, a new option pops up in the checker settings:

Check Type:
*When All Checks Pass
*When Any Check Passes

This isn’t the exact setting but it’s the same thing. Basically, if there are multiple checks, you can make the check broadcast on the “passed” channel depending on if it’s conditions use ‘or’ operators or ‘and’ operators. You get what I mean: checkers can do or/and logic, not just triggers.

  1. do research before posting topics. bc research is logical. unlike the quote ↩︎