Could someone help me with Monkey Mart?

Ok, what mechanics exactly, do u want to know how to grow crops, get money from the crops, be able to give stuff to people? Plz explain

OH, i know exactly how to do this, just go to devices, search cash upgrade, wire it to your vending machine, and then it should be good to go, i don’t know how to put the logos on though, u’d have to ask somebody else for that

Oh, sorry if I wasn’t specific enough :sweat_smile:
I need to know know to make the upgrades, get money for crops & the general mechanics from the game.
Honestly, I don’t know which mechanics are even possible, so any help is appreciated :heart:

extra speed, cash multiplier. Rebirth. Secret Areas

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Thanks, you’re really helpful! :hugs:
But I meant how to make them, not the ideas themselves, if that’s not too much to ask :grey_question:

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Sure. Vending machines to speed modifiers, you can use wires. And for the cash multiplier, use this

for the money for the crops, you can have a button on a table (if that’s what you mean) or an area, and you need multiple checkers for the different types of food wired to the button/area and give them a certain amount of money for each food (you may only need one checker, depending on exactly the different types of food u want to sell

Welcome to the gimkit creative forums! Read to TOS and FAQ because new members (yes I mean you as well) LOVE to break all the rules! These forums have a vibrant social scene; there are numerous organizations like the QWE, the RTY, the UIO, and the PAS. We also love getting our percentages up! We almost have a 100% blocks illiteracy rate and almost a 100% thumbnail topic creation rate! Forget everything you know about GKC so we can get those numbers to 100!


ain’t no way bro said that :skull:
you really think they made that game?

no my bad i thought it was a game

then i visited the link…

I’m 90 percent certain that Gitrithekd made that C&P welcome message as a joke, lol.

Anyways, welcome to the forums, you will have here.
To answer one thing, staff members, are impossible to do efficiently. Also, customers are possible, but the frames will be choppy, like every animation in Gimkit.


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good luck with your Monkey Mart game
It will be quite easy to get the setting with some shelves and the boxes of fruit. you could use barriers and stuff to block off areas and new things and you can use cash to unlock them. This guide might help with that.

the block illiteracy is real though :sob:

not many forum users want to take the time to actually learn block code to help level up their gimkit game. Some mechanics are impossible without block code, example, randomizing.

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I might be able to help, but haha this is great

free unblocked link for me and my school, the rebels live on

the keyboard line at the top


I’ll just ask my friend @Gimslover to do it for me.

uhh. first, you dont put emoji’s in the middle of the sentence, at the end or beginning.
You can try to do - plant bananas with the crafter
sell bananas to the thing and they will pick up then pay with cash granted.
I don’t know what I am saying :<


I know.
but it’s not wrong, at all.