Could someone help me a gim that looks supercool!

I need a gim that looks like space or galaxy type!
Love some help from people!

We have the Galaxy Gims and the Polaris Gim.

Made this really quickly.


@RocketX, is this any good?
Untitled (2)

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Love the ideas Great but maybe they having powers some kind of abilites near them?

Do you want a thumbnail?

yes i want make a thumbnail for it

Bro use a template :sob:

Omg its the galaxy skin from fortnite XD

What is going on with those legs

yeah the legs aren’t exactly…legs are blobby that’s all

She made that May 24 and said she made it really quick im sure she has improved

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true, but are we necroposting rn? cuz then sry :sob:

oh yeah…… that was from like months ago ignore it ahahahah…………
i was different back then lmao


crazy :skull: