Cool ways to decorate your Custom Bosses!

I never said so it was your fault.
Stop being Off topic now.

just stop, please. they never specified.

@MOON, use < big > without spaces. or use # in the beginning of a line, space then write.

sorry i thought u were pointing firngers at me when you said “them” I’ve gotten into enough trouble for one day!

Now back on topic! :sweat_smile:

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BUMP, and, does anyone know how to make a penguin?



That’s… Interesting… But it’s too big and takes a ton of work

Here: ^^^^^^^^^^^

you could us epenguin emoji

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:fox_face: bump

Crystal sorcerer reminds me of the guy from the dark crystal.
Does anyone else even remember that movie? With the creepy puppets?

Does anyone know what happened to @WolfTechnology ?

Seriously? No one knows that movie? Man, I am way too young to know this stuff.


lol @VWOOM your to funny lets just get back on-topic.


also @Splatter we know its you that added those random letters…get caught in 4k

Using The ‘spoiler’ function doesn’t make something not off topic.
@Aubec7 already removed it it’s in the past now
We shouldn’t worry about the past

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Huh its still there for me…
NVM got rid of it
and @Cellofive last time I checked, past doesn’t mean something happening right now…

wha? i’ve been inactive since early feb

i think it was my lil bro, I TOLD HIM TO STAY OFF MY COMPUTER D:<


I’m burning alive and bumping this at the same time! Get some water!


Heres a bucket of water