Cool themes ideas for your maps [re-upload]

Hmmmm, maybe a vietnam type map with zones that can make sentries pop up

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Wow, these themes are cool! Very good!


So like a jungle?

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Yeah, but like vietnam war shoot em up, ya know?

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Guirella Warfare!
And they also disappear if u get too close!

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you can use @WolfTechnology’s Palm Tree tutorial for a Vietnam-themed style map!


Alright I’ll add it when I have the time,

I’ll also add it to the survival island.

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mabe an old forest you can explore

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added :slight_smile:

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Nice Guide! If you combined them all into one…It would probably look interesting(in a good way)…I would like to try combining them, though.

Hey @Blackfox45666 how’s that dark forest idea you made a while ago going?

A Medival Dungeon
This is a picture of what I made so far:

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How about a desert? Although that would be pretty boring…

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Is it a theme?

This is good let me know when your finished with the picture and I will add it into the post.

rusty i have an idea, sci fi adventure on da moon

: /


third theme from the top.