Cool easter eggs and ideas for my PVP map

I am making a map and now all the main areas are done I need small little things to find on my map. It is a desert PvP / open world. there is not much of a story and the entire map is a desert except and oasis. any ideas will be appreciated :slight_smile:

You could put something in the water of the oasis.

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Ripped out deep dark diary pages all over the map

Maybe make a small bunker with some pretty good loot inside in the middle of a random part of the desert. Maybe the location could change every game?

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the entire creative map is being used so I cant make rooms and stuff.

the bunker idea I like but im not sure how to make radomnizers but the bunker sounds cool!

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You might want to make it smaller, as making a map using all 500x500 tiles of the map is very hard and usually memory-intensive

there is 3 main citys and everywhere else is just broken houses or cactus. its not much in-between so thats why I made this.

If you really want to stick with the large map, you should include a way to find other players. Maybe an enclosing zone or waypoints would work.

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Secret guns you could get by doing secret combinations or something

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i have broken mansions around the map with crafting tables exclusive to that part that can craft stuff not normally used

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like diary notes based on the dates you have to have that number combination of a certain item that was said in the note that is in bold or something

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I like that. some lore cant hurt.

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so have you reached your solution? or you need more stuff?

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I hope for some more stuff. It cant hurt can it.

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like β€œgo to water that is clean then you will find the thing” or somthing
sorry i know that was stupid

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One extra thing about the notes are the person who wrote them goes by the Name of Grady

Welcome to the forums @AgentX

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welcome to the form @AgentX! I do like the idea of puzzles but if you have any specific puzzles in mind I can make them.