Complicated "Golden apple"

just came here welcome to the forum @zaeren_64

are you kidding me
what have these forums become

you only reply to a topic if you have something to say


This should be easy

Game overlay: button, overlay text: Eat golden apple
property: golden apple status, number, default value 0
counter: scope, all players, default value 0, connect to property “golden apple status”
lifecycle: player gets knocked out
wire repeater 01: (0.0)
wire repeater 02 (0.0)

Game overlay, counter: button pressed – increment counter
game overlay, wire repeater 01: button pressed – grant pulse
wire repeater 01,game overlay: receive pulse – hide overlay
lifecycle, counter: event occurs – reset counter
lifecycle, wire repeater 02: event occurs – grant pulse
wire repeater 02, game overlay: receive pulse – show overlay

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I will not be able to respond to all of your wonderful posts until 5pm EST but thanks anyways

do life cycles have scopes if they did it would solve all my problems

all I need is a way to give a Player scope upon a dead player.

The legendary…


Take it away when you die, or when eaten.

Example, do -1.

they do not, but you can connect lifecycles to relays and those have scopes (triggering player/all players, etc.)

but will it trigger the dead player or the killer

what I need it a trigger that activates when a player is killed and has the scope of the dead player not the killer.


All I need is a way for a scope to be set to a killed player

I don’t know how but I did it yesss!

this took 3 weeks of my life

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