(Completed Guide) How to make a Cruise Vacation Game

I was gonna use this for my game. GREAT GUIDE!

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Thanks for your feedback.

I created this guide becauseā€¦

  1. There wasnā€™t any guide for this.
  2. I made my own cruise game called ā€˜Gimkit Cruiseā€™.

Remove the ideas tag, please.

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The ideas tag has been removed.


Here is the thumbnail for my game since I couldnā€™t add it to the main post (30-Day Editing Limit Reached)

What do you think?

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Itā€™s good

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Thank you for your feedback. :smiley:


Welcome to the forums, and personally, we need more guides as comprehensive as this one. I have not one single complaint, keep up the amazing work.
(Oh, and P.S, I didnā€™t see this bumped. That wasnā€™t smart.)


Thank you for your feedback.

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(taking a cruise)
(Looks over the edge)
(splashes in to the water)
(Hits a submerine)
(falls into the sub)
(sees the TV)
(enters the TV)
(walks into a pit)
(hits something)
(climbs out of pit)
(trips on the way up)
(tries again)
(makes it up)
(jumps out of TV)
(falls on carpet)
(sees a dog in the submarine)
(pets the dog)
(hand bumps into the dog)

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You were having a nice cruise vacation until this happens.

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OMG, this is the most detailed guide i have seen in a LONG time (probbably the most)

Also, maybe more pics?



WOW!! I definitely think that this is one of the best guides I have ever seen! (For your first post this is outstanding!) I think the forums need more detailed but simple guides like this. :smiley: Keep up the great work @AlvinFun ! :+1:


Thanks for your feedback. I really do think the forums needs more detailed but simple guides like mine.

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Thanks for your feedback. I would add more pictures to this guide, but I reached the editing limit for TL2.

WOW, I didnā€™t even know there WAS a limit for editing for a TL2

Great job!

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Thereā€™s a 30-day editing limit for TL2.

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(Swims out of the sub and bumps into the cruise ship)

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