Combo system pizza tower

Hello all! Its CJ back to ask for more help. This time, for my pizza tower game. So, basically, do you guys know the combo system from pizza tower? (Actually idrk if that many people have played pizza tower.)

Sorry for the low quality images, but for those who dont know what it is, heres some images:

Screenshot 2024-12-15 10.10.05 PM

Screenshot 2024-12-15 10.10.17 PM

Each enemie you knock out the combo increase by 1 and the wizard thingy whatever its called goes back to the beginning. If it ever reaches the left end of the combo meter, you lose your combo and get a certain amount of points based on how high it was.
Purple means P rank combo, A.K.A, the first combo you have in a level, and orange is S rank or lower, meaning you lost your combo at least once. (I’m 99% sure thats what the colors mean)

So, basically, how do I make this combo meter in gimkit? The colors dont matter, just wondering.

Oh, you can make a combo measurer by having a counter that counts when a sentry is knocked out. Use a knockout manager for that. But reset the counter when a player is knocked out.

True, but how about the points for each K.O? Would I have to manually make that, or is there like a thing where each k.o it increase the point amount to a certain amount? And for the S rank combo, and P rank, would they have to be seperate systems?

Also, my sentries dont get knocked out. They de-activate.

And when the player gets pizza points, the combo moves back a bit, depending on how much they got.
(I use blackberries as pizza points.)

(I got this bit to work. All I need now is for the combo to also increase on deactivation and for the player to gain pizza points on combo end.)

Nvm I solved it myself.

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