Color block help

so i need a block code that makes it so when it’s triggered, every 15 seconds only a certain color blocks are placed while the rest disapear multiply times until the timer goes off and ends the game.

you should just be able to use animation for that or have a player select the colors, blocks seem to be a bit much.

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Unless you need a randomizer, then use blocks.

yeah but the i needed to hide the platforms but the color picked in the trigger stays

All colors not active on game start.

Randomizer chooses color to activate. It also triggers a trigger which has a delay of 15 seconds to hide all colors again. Repeat.

I think that would work too.

make sure the randomizer is triggered on game start, and the trigger triggers the randomizer again.

i also needed to send a notification that shows what color is safe to use.

and when it activates it the other color, the last coloris still showing