Collision/Hitbox in Gimkit

Okay, give me a link to it, I think it won’t be considered against the rules BECAUSE if that Gim has more Collision than regular Gims, It could change everything

Happy birthday, @Monoreuk!

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I don’t have the link anymore, this was a week ago

besides, it would probably be considered advertising

no, because it’s on topic, and also it’s a myth check

how can’t you have it? you should have it here


I know I play trending brainrot
I’m weird

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No, it’ll still be advertising. You’re literally giving people a map link.

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Well It’s For Research And They Don’t Own It So IDK.

well as far as I know, advertising is when you advertise something, he is not advertising this map, but is simply ready to show it, and also it is on topic.

okay no need to give the map, I will check this myth myself, but for this I need my friend @G-code549

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OOOOh hello I was summond


you know where to find me @G-Code549

I completed the jump with a normal skin. Just a skill issue. Maybe next time get someone actually skilled
No, the hit boxes in platformer are the same when colliding with props. I’m not sure about lasers/teleporters or the like.

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I did the same map with the gobbler Gim and made the jump so if it’s impossible without wider hitbox gobbler has wider hitbox too

So did I.
(if it’s the game with Truck-a-Tron on the thumbnail)
I think Gimkit has thought their games thoroughly enough that they’ve made sure gim size doesn’t effect player jumping, otherwise we’d end up with tons of “Season Ticket Only!” and “Impossible without Truck-a-Tron Maps”, which would be bad.


Plus, if Gimkit did that, they’d get sued for making a pay-to-lose Gim.


Bump and I can use this for yhmft

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though this could be useful for platformers

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You’ll Hate Me For This by BH hardest platformer


BH hardest platformer

can you explain this?

idc if my name shows in a game…

yeah I can’t beat it

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