Cheese's Guide to Breaking the Mold

fair, I just thought he might find the idea interesting.

He just doesnā€™t have time.

Also, there isnā€™t a flag system for maps because it would be abused. Thatā€™s why you have to email support and they will manually remove maps.


Why did the button game get flagged? I played it and there was nothing bad about itā€¦

Itā€™s a joke example made with inspect element, photoshop, or google slides.

@cheesebox lol


It was just an example. I used it because itā€™s my own game, so nobody would get mad

also thanks for playing my game

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Nice guide! It was extremely cleanly written! Another word for trigger clock is triggerloop, but that mainly refers to a trigger triggering another trigger, which retriggers the first trigger. Overall, you covered a few really good tips and tricks, and I canā€™t wait to see what you have in store next! 4:

I would love a thumbs up/down button for the maps and a flag button. That way, people would not abuse the flag button as much. That said, I expect that the reason they dont make them is because it takes a lot of extra time, and little kids play the games and are not greatwithtechnology

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Here's a table of contents for you.

Table of Contents

Also, you should mention about poorly effort thumbnails and people publishing maps just to share a join code that lasts 3 hours or less.


This guide is mainly to teach new map-makers about good development skills, maybe Iā€™ll put out a separate guide pointing out things like that!
P.S. Iā€™ll most likely put a ā€˜Thumbnailā€™ piece in the Visual Appeal section

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Concatenation added!!


bump, and the editing time ran out

This is wow. Honestly, 95% of the people posting on Discovery have to see this, no offense.


Yeah, I honestly lost motivation to finish, maybe Iā€™ll do a revamp and add more one day