Check which property is the highest

Yeah. I have some example dialogue I want to show you.


Example dialogue, so yeah. That’s the plan.


who is ozai and aang, and do they have anything to do with max?

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From Avatar the Last Airbender

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Avatar the last airbender final fight dialogue.

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never watched avatar.

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I am also working on a map.

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monopoly i hope?

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I am currently making a bossfight as well, with sentry spawn in attacks, death zones, and lasers. So a boss with randomly generated custom attacks.

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How will you track damage done to each new sentry?

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Sadly, no. I took too long of a break. Now, I am going to restart, and do all 40 squares when I have the time. I am working on my MarioKart map now. I almost finished the Kart customization, I just need to build the reference system.


MarioKart? Ooo I’ve played that game before! It’s so fun!

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Not so fun to make. The dynamic speed is going to take days.

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Oh :disappointed_relieved: but I’m pretty sure it’ll be worth it when your done!


The banana throwing thing will be a pain. Is that even possible?

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Lol the banana throwing is a pain! Once I slipped on a banana peel I threw

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Prop shouldn’t jinx myself.

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You must be good at the game then

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I meant IRL

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I’ve slipped on everything but a banana