Character Glitched

logged on and my character looks like this
Screenshot 2023-11-29 6.33.11 AM
how did this happen and how do I fix it?
refreshing doesn’t work
restarting doesn’t work


Its been doing that a lot. It should be fixed soon, and please check before you post this has been addressed countless times.


How do I fix the glitch?

You just have to wait for the moderators to patch it.

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until then try doing something else or try non 2d gamemodes.

That doesn’t work. You just have to wait for Gimkit fix it. Please, search before posting. Too many posts are about this now!


That’s easier said than done. Most people now a days rarely look at community made guides so its useless even telling them too. Even an FA was made and still barely anyone looks at that. As for the glitching gims, everytime gimkit releases a new update (Blastball foreshadowing) this happened. When DLD came out this also happened. Rest assured everyone that it will get patched.


Oh this is still happening? It doesn’t affect any of my gims

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Some people have it, others don’t.
Please mark a solution so that you don’t get flagged

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Yeah, I had it for a while, then it disappeared

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That’s because it got patched sometime yesterday.


It happens to everyone. It’s not that big of a deal, the game itself isn’t glitching, just the skin. It could be a new trend…


spoiler warning it probaly the new live event coming out it might be the reason because it probaly gonna take a lot of space and may mess up spirte or coruput stuff.


Its happened to everyone bro

bro, that was the event for the release of snowbrawl like a year ago


This has been fixed.

oh i didn’t know that sorry it didn’t tell me the year of it.

Whoa, that is scary…

Embrace the glitch tell everyone that it’s a secret skin.

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Anyone remember this happening on Friday the 13th? lol.