Changing player skin

Hello everyone i was wondering if your able to make a game were you can change a players skin if on a certain team. I don’t think there is away but if there is please tell me

I don’t think you can change the player’s skin on a certain team. Only the player itself can change the skin they like.

There is a dev device for that, but you cannot access that without modding gimkit.


people have been thinking of a skin changer device but they said it might be used wrongly so we don’t have one sorry…

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Yeah i assumed i just thought there might be a way because in snowy survival you change to the mummy but thanks for letting me know


No problem! Make sure to mark a solution!

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you can’t have a device detect a players skin, or specific colors. so @Princess2216 is right on this.

A solution with what you just said was marked, so why did you reply?

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it wasn’t when i replied. otherwise i would have left it alone.


You obviously saw that princess replied with it though.


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