Celeste Dashing? (Platform dashing)

Hello! Hollow here, back from the summer, haven’t been here in a hot minute.

So, if you’ve seen that one famous platformer level, Everest, you’ve seen the dash mechanic.
What I wanted to know is, how exactly is that done? Does pressing the dash button send a message to a speed modifier, and then send another message after said speed modifier is on for a few moments for it to turn off? If that’s the case, is there not any way to optimize that to feel a little less jankier than it did in the map? It felt a bit unresponsive, especially air wise, no disrespect to the creator, after all, they were the first to do it.image

Yep. That’s exactly how it’s done.

I don’t think so.

Button >> Speed Modifier >> Wire Delay >> Speed modifier

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Never played Celeste before but it looks interesting

If you don’t have anything helpful to say please don’t post it.

platform dashing.

where have I seen this or heard that before?

oh yeah in gimkit platform dashing can be done in many ways.

uhm to which person?


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Idk maybe the user that posted above me? :thinking:

Bro just confessed :skull:

kyro gave me celeste and it was the BEST game EVER!!!

the dash system is done like

button pressed (game overlay) → speed modifier (3x speed) → wire repeater (1 sec delay) → speed modifier (1x speed)

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i am b!lnd

two method I give you

what they said

or my method that I created when DLD and DLD creative came out… B hopping

b hopping is like dashing

if you seen Roblox parkour or Roblox parkour reborn you know what i talking about

it the same thing like gimkit but a little different

you keep jumping off of the edges

you see you gain a speed boost when jumping off of a edge in gimkit.

that where repeative jumping off a edge come in

tho it hard cause if you mess up you take a punishment of wasting your double jump and must save yourself

repeative jumping off the edges give you speed! do this a lot and you go zooming over the map

I done a trick where I charged it up by repeative jumping from two same plaftorm then going forward holding forward timing jumps

this is a very useful tirck for speed running

yeah I took 8 mins to write a whole paragraph that not even a topic so what?

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So you might get flagged lol

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getting flagged for writing a whole paragraph to help a person is crazy :skull:

you joking right?


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No, I’m not joking. It’s halfway on-topic. Part of it is speedrunning related

I confused the speedrunning part off topic?

@hollow is talking about an on-screen button.

This is just… speedboosting, (aswell as technically offtopic too), I was the first to actually MAKE a tutorial on speedboosting…image

yeah you made the tutorial but I actually discovered it I just couldn’t make a guide on it

too much things

that why you got full credit for it

wait a min.

you said you Made a tutorial on it where your tutorial?

I wouldn’t like to get off topic, but if you must know, it was patched, so I took them down. I do still have one in my maps though, I am unable to access it without getting rid of my two other projects.

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