Capture the Flag score bug

can you send a screen shot?

sure, the one at the end leads to the flag

If you make it so if flag score increases it increase the counter and the counter is linked to the property, it will break

If you need more details ask

Just connect the capture zone to the counter. What is the property device’s wire for?

the property only has one option: Property value changed

I know, but what do they need it for?

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@tspentakota what do you need the wire from the property for

Is this still not working?

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which wire, @potato1

No, its not working.

the one comes from the property


Im trying to make the Capture the Flag score.

It works, but it give 350 points per capture.

If you have the counter modify the property, then the property wire to the counter, it will not work. Remove the wire from the property

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Thank you! It worked! Now, it gives me one point.

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