Can you make sentries teleport?

Yes, that would probably work. However, I believe that Sleepy1 is asking if you can make them teleport at a point during the game, not at the start.

@Blackhole927 sup remember me?

Hey Alan, what’s up?

Sup did they make this just because of Reckoner?

Hello, it is currently not possible to teleport sentries at this time. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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You could deactivate one and then activate another, but you can’t make things move per se


Pretty much:… I think the idea was to have a more versatile system format available so that issues were easier to deal with, and this was the result. People false-reporting posts wasn’t the only issue, but it was one of them - but whatever the reason, the decision was eventually made to move to a different platform.

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YOU CAN ‘teleport’ SENTRIES!
use zones, and wire them up to the sentry
when players enter the zone, they’ll see the sentries, if they leave it, the sentries disappear


Welcome to the community, @Alan_Shen!


YOOOOOO! Welcome Back, @Alan_Shen!

Thank you!

Make a teleporter and a zone, the zone is not activated at the start, but something activates the zone, make it so that when you enter a zone , you teleport, and there you go (I think)

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Hey! Sorry, I’m almost a year late. I figured out how to teleport sentries. First, you’ll need to copy the sentry you want to teleport. You can use wire repeaters, counters, or anything else you want to activate and deactivate one sentry at a time. Then, it’ll seem like the sentry is teleporting!

Welcome back, @Idhant_Master03!
Please don’t necropost, however.

@Idhant_Master03 welcome back

Thanks! Sorry for posting a little [lot] late

In under a year ago, sentries could actually teleport using teleporters! (patched on Oct 23, 2023)

that is sad. Why did they fix it?

Wasn’t intended and kinda seemed goofy.