Can you make a player invisable and go through walls during the game when they're dead?

hello iโ€™m new here and i just started my third game and i was thinking if you can
make a player invisable and go through walls during a game when they are dead? :worried: :worried:

(pls help)

sorry not right now

lifecycle to when they get knocked out wired to a team switcher to change them to spectator but that only lets them see what other players see

no isnโ€™t possible
for now

If they get knocked out by another player or a sentry (Or forced to respawn by a respawner, they are immune to attacks for 20 seconds. But sadly it is not possible to make them go through walls.
but you could switch them to a different team and a barrier can be deactivated for that team only.

Remember to mark a solution. (only if there is one :grinning:)

OK :+1:thank you still (a bit)

Glad I could help! :grinning:

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