Can you let players gain xp?

Hi, I got pinged soooo, what do you guys need help with?

What are the instructions for finding unreleased gims in the files?

Oh let me get it off the fandom real quick!

Told you

Ok @Blackhole927 so you will click on the first link for gims, second for stickers, and third for trails! But after you click the link, you can put in any random name/word that might be a gim or already is one like “mustache” is “Stache” but it is case sensitive so the first word like “mustache” is lowercase then if you want a deferent color then you do this: “mustachePink” that is “Stache Pink” and so on! But for stickers and trails you do “echo_flag” or “origin_token” so you put a underscore as like a space. Oh and becasue the forum doesn’t let you say their name put a lowercase “g” in front of the “imkit”.


Yep that is what I meant.

Yeah, this doesn’t allow new gims to be easily scraped from the code. There isn’t a way of doing this anymore.


Do you mean in-game xp? Or gimcoin xp?

@Aedan, remember to mark a solution to avoid clutter!

any possible new gamemodes?

you must have at least one answer incorrect to gain XP. I have tried it and it works.

Well I have a Japanese gimkit and that didn’t work.

Welcome to the forums!

Platformer mode (like Mario) is gonna be a thing

On gimkit’s original gamemodes, players including you can earn XP on different ways. In gimkit creative modes, you can only answer questions correctly to gain XP (the question only needs 1 answer correct to earn XP).

Welcome to the forum, @PianoMasterAJD! Check out the beginner-must-read and forum-tips for more easy help! Read the Community Guidelines for a gist of the rules. If you ever run into a hard problem, talk to anyone in @trust_level_3. They can help you with hard and in-depth concepts and mechanics!

Remember to mark a solution to avoid clutter!

Josh has confirmed that with the new update this is no longer possible.


Aw, man. That’s too bad.

@Aedan, mark a solution, please!

Oh, darn, it ws nice while we had it.