Can you help me make a thumbnail?

one flag in the thumbnail (the green one), but thats it!

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alright. got it. making it rn! :slight_smile:

thank you so much! I can’t wait to see it!

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so that means almost every game has to be banned technically
bc of like violence and shooting
or is that an exception

i think thats an exception

then maybe they should remove it from that thingy, if violence is okay

i think that violence is allowed, but only in the form of shooting the weapons they provided us with.

yea they’d never add a pistol or anything

@MirMirCreates Could I get a thumbnail? I’m almost finished with a maze game, so I’ve been thinking about thumbnails. I think you could do a GREAT thumbnail. (I believe that after seeing the sketch above.)

@Trasch yeah, because you have fantasy violence with their weapons, and pistols or RPGs are realistic violence :nerd:

Oh thanks! Yeah, I could totally make one for you!

I used a digital art platform and let ai do the background, since Im not familiar with fnaf and not the greatest artist….

@Beagles Do you have any ideas of what you want on the thumbnail?

Is it ok if I give the thumbnails by tonight or tmrw morning? (im kinda busy and im trying to do this too, thanks @BananaBoi345 )

what did you use for the ai art
I’d like to use that also

Hmm I don’t remember. I got a gift card for it, but I don’t really use it often. As far as AI goes, it can be really fidgety

but sometimes it isn’t that noticable

I made it, @BananaBoi345 , I hope you like it!

tell me if u want me to remove or add anything! :slight_smile:


That is absolutely adorable! I love it!


you could put it on google slides or something and add like text
I mean like it would make it cooler

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