Can you help me make a thumbnail?

Thanks, please send a photo of the final product, or at least the draft just to get a look.

yeah I reply to many different pages at once, so pinging me is helpful.

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Ok, I can send you the draft. what do you want on the thumbnail?

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I want it to be among us themed but teh crew mates are gims, just random ones, and the one imposter is Dodge.

ok! will send you the sketch when i am finished


Here’s the sketch, @WolfTechnology


I like it! And that means something from a artist to a artist, when you get time can you color it and add the cafateria as the background room?

Yup! Like I said, just a sketch. Going to color it right now

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Alright take your time, it looks good so far.

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i’m a little confused. What do you mean?

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What do you want it to have as the background, aka the image that covers up the color white and what do you want the image to have/ be themed.

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oh i see. I get it now!


Just a beach with 3 gims running toward the flag, with one protecting the flag (they all have weapons) and then the words WATERFRONT FRONTEIR above it in red letters

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I couldn’t find a background for it, but thats the best i can explain it.
(Also, can they have different weapons? Like one has a slingshot, one has a quantum portal, one has a blaster, ect.?)

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and a green flag with a red circus tent behind it? Sorry for being annoying btw

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ill get it to u asap. (same for both thumbnails)

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thanks! You are awesome!

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How about the background for this btw?

why does that look like ai made it

wait… so you want two flags in one thumbnail? Ok, let me tell u what i understand: 3 gims running on beach toward a green flag one gim protecting it, all with different weapons… Anything else?