Can you guys please help me with ideas

Maybe put an upstairs then an attic

ok if i cant add the attic ill just put like as you said brothers room fathers office and stuff!

Okie sounds good :+1:

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Maybe add an office (and hide Easter eggs in there…)

working on it now!

Objection, they eventually did

It’s not like that. @GIMKIT.CREATIVE has done some work, and we don’t need to start an argument. He just needs ideas.

The only thing they have stated is that the game is about exploring a house and that they have added a basement and beds.

That is literally only 3 details with no specifications about map size, sub-themes (medieval, modern, alien, etc), no devices, and no photos.

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It is not like EVERY topic needs those. If he doesn’t want to say that, he doesn’t have to. Now let’s please just get back to helping him.

Lack of info. @GIMKIT.CREATIVE Can you tell more specifically what your map is going to have?


all i need is ideas not me having too give ever single detail about my game…

You have only provided 3 details.
3 details is not enough to know what direction you want your game to go in.

@THEHACKER120 for the main floor with the kitchen the living room i need one more room so it doesn’t look empty what room should i put?

the Dining Room

i need a different room @THEHACKER120 bc people are going to eat at the kitchen bc there’s a table there
(i was going to make a bathroom but I don’t know how)

Maybe the father’s office then?

already have that @THEHACKER120

Um then how about gaming room?

ok good idea ill try now ill tell you if it looks good