Can you guys help me with alliteration?

at this point if you do not need help just mark a random thing (though i would still say mr tomato as he had most comments trying to help)

Yes, with finding a solution to marking a solution.

inspiration could be something that helped start a flow of ideasā€¦helped you think of somethingā€¦ find an answerā€¦ really to do anythingā€¦

Like my guide here Ideas for guides or game to make [Copied from LegoBuilderā€™s Original Guide]
is to inspire people to make maps and inspire what maps and or guides to makeā€¦ honestly if we keep goingā€¦soon i might be the top responding user here other than you.

Try this

He already said he did not need helpā€¦ he just feels unsatisfied with who to mark as a solutionā€¦

Oh I didnā€™t see that sorry

Also @GimSolver please mark a solution soon if you truly do not need more help or you may be flagged for clutterā€¦and everyone else until @gimsolver responds please leave this topic alone. it is okay @vqnillaxx.

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Sorry Mr.Tomato.

It is fine, this forum is about helping people, not about badges, tho I only have one solution and that was myself

No badges, just sorry.

What are you talking aboutā€¦badges are the whole point of the forum!! (jk you are 100% right)ā€¦maybeā€¦:smiley:

rewards are the only motivation for some people, ok now lets not be off-topic

There, solution granted to Mr. Tomato and Iā€™m not feeling guilty. Point final. Topic closed.

You want us to be off-topic?

Ok he is right letā€™s stop also it was a joke that is not my motivation.flag next person who replies for clutterā€¦

typo lol

I know I was joking too


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