Can’t get into gim creative

Every single time when i get home from school this happens. :frowning:

But how come when i get to school to started working again, like WHAT?

try clicking the here link…it will run test…

it most likely is not a glitch and is internet if it works at school

youre router might need restarted as well

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It says web socket thing did not succeed.

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uummmm im not good at this technical stuff really…umm i can go find someone better at it to help.

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umm normally someone would have come by now…ill keep trying to find someone to help later…gtg driving home!

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Man this problem has been happening for days :frowning: idk wha to do :frowning:

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This problem also happens to multiple different websites :frowning:

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It happens for me sometimes too, it’s just like a wifi problem or internet problem

Just wait it out really there’s no other solution @ANYTHING_EVAN sorry

Or only play at school

well it happens to me (cool fox pfp) but he said it only happens at home…so maybe home internet
and evan is it a thing where you cant play at all? or just sometimes?
(and bwm are you the clock gim from discovery games? with the element superpower team ctf game you lego and claire worked on? because lego built what i suggested him to on the map…is that you or a person with same name…)

Well i went on other non school device that was connected to this network but guess what…


Yes, I am that person. Have you played the game before?

Maybe its school restrictions

I would not guess that because it was working fine in school with restrictions.

Oh me and lego and claire did not know you were on forum…i suggested stuff to lego and he built it on youre map…like the details in team selector…sadly lego and claire among fallen…

No I mean maybe they don’t want you to play out of school or summin.

I just joined yesterday

my only ideas
restart internet router
check internet for updates
ask parents
test and trial
email gimkit help…
pray it stops
and im out of ideas.

Sry my forums keep not loading somemes