Can someone tell me how to create teleports like the ones in fishtopia where you have to buy it?

with a wire connecting the vending mechine to the teleporter than once you do that click on the wire then item bought activate tele

There isn’t any way to activate a teleporter. But what you can do is either deactivate a button that will teleport you there, or place a barrier around the teleporter.


there is i just said it

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vending machine item bought -------> activate button

(make sure the button is deactivated at first)

Place a teleporter and make it invisible
Button pressed -----> teleport player here

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he said in fishtopia

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(Vending Machine) Item Purchased —> (Teleporter) Teleport Player Here

(Vending Machine) Item Purchased —> (Button) Activate Button

(Button) Button Pressed —> (Teleporter) Teleport Player Here

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YES! I’m finally wrong about something! Thank you!


What’s wrong with being right every time? Also

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Well, the more I’m nervous about getting something wrong.

Apply that over 8 months and…

Do you want a breakdown of what this does?

No, it didn’t work due to the nature of a single waypoint only being able to track down one player at a time.

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Well, it should put a waypoint on the last player to join the game.

kind of getting off topic here so @cyco398 pick a solution

barrier and vending machine

for the vending machine:

Make it “transmit on channel”
Choose the item needed
and make it not visible

with a teleporter under it

thanks guys ----------

you could put a barrier prop in front of it and make a vending machine with the cost being whatever u want it to cost then when item bought hide prop

This is getting really off topic.

How is that off-topic?
WhoAmI is discussing about the nature of the waypoint…

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