Can someone pls make a thumbnail all I need is the Beetrix skin with his wings out and add some cuteness. :P

I know it’s kinda dum but I need it for a game.

change this to Art. I need more information about what you want in the thumbnail if I make it.

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just a beetrix like how i said and like standing there

But do you want a title, background, credits, etc.?

Standing where

oh ya :stuck_out_tongue: uhr the title is Ultimate PvP

in front of a pink backrground

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credits (do you want your name on there)?

uhr na

I can make one! My art!

u should add this to the topic so people will know what u want

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yeah, and next time don’t put everything into the title, there’s a body for a reason.

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yar thx :stuck_out_tongue: